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Reasons To Get Porcelain Crowns

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Porcelain crowns are a long-term solution used to restore damaged teeth. They are very popular in modern dentistry. Porcelain is the perfect material for tooth restoration work. It’s very versatile and can look and feel natural. If you’re interested in getting a porcelain crown in Escondido, Campbell Dental Arts can provide you with more helpful information. In the meantime, here are some of the benefits of porcelain crowns. 



The genius behind porcelain crowns is that they can be precisely blended to match the exact color of your natural teeth. Other alternatives such as gold or silver crowns won’t have this natural effect. Porcelain crowns have a completely natural appearance and will go unnoticed. Nobody will be able to see that you’ve had restoration work done.

Not long after the procedure, you’ll stop noticing the crown as well. It looks and feels like a normal tooth. You’ll be able to eat and drink normally and will fit perfectly into your smile.



Porcelain is the cheapest, yet most versatile material for crowns. Porcelain is very practical and durable. It’s a cost-effective long-term solution in the long run. The cost can depend on which tooth is being treated.



They are designed as a long-term solution. Depending on the patient, they can last for at least ten years. Many patients also go their entire life without needing a porcelain crown replaced. If you take care of your teeth, you’ll be able to keep the same crown for longer.

Not only do porcelain crowns last a long time, but they are very quick and easy to fit. You can get this long-term solution sorted out in just two visits to the dentist. In the first visit, they’ll take molds and measurements and fit you with a temporary crown. You’ll be able to leave the second visit with your custom porcelain crown already fitted.  


Bio- Compatibility

Porcelain is a safe material and very compatible with the human body. It won’t cause allergic reactions like certain metals sometimes used in dental treatment. Porcelain crowns are very lightweight and comfortable.



They are made-to-measure. This means they fit perfectly. They’re light so they feel natural in your mouth. You wouldn’t notice them while eating or drinking. The latest advances in ceramics mean that porcelain crowns are indistinguishable from your natural teeth. 

If you have any teeth with a weakened structure, a crown can support them and prevent further damage or decay. A porcelain crown will help to preserve your natural tooth for the future. Porcelain crowns also greatly improve the appearance of chipped or stained teeth, restoring them to their natural shape and color.

A porcelain crown is a versatile and long-lasting solution to many dental issues. If you have one tooth that makes you feel self-conscious then it could also be the solution for you. You can improve your smile considerably in just a couple of appointments. For more information about porcelain crowns in Escondido, contact us at Campbell Dental Arts.

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